Botanical Sanctuary Resource Guide

The Resource Guide is a comprehensive collection of articles and listings of supportive publications, organizations and agencies to assist stewards of healing plants. The first part of the Guide features sections on What Sanctuary Means, including examples of different Sanctuaries and sample BSN applications. The next section is devoted to UpS’s Goldenseal Sanctuary in Ohio – the building of our Talking Forest Medicine Trail, our caretaking observations, and more. There are practical suggestions for getting started understanding your own property, creating a medicine trail and finding or making labels for the plants and trees. The next two sections include articles on sustainable stewardship and the many benefits Sanctuary can provide, not just to humans but all of life.

In the Resources section readers will find information on land trusts, helpful conservation organizations and grants and programs from government agencies. There are many books, websites and journals listed on everything from plant propagation to permaculture. UpS members will find the listing of native plant and wildflower societies by state particularly useful. There is also a comprehensive list of all UpS’s resources including our Grant Guidelines, Slide Show and other publications.